
AG Kathleen Kane to address grand jury leak charges

Patrick Reese is facing criminal contempt charges.


Prosecutors have also accused Kane of instructing some of her staff to monitor employee emails as the grand jury was wrapping up its investigation of her in late 2014. Her critics worry the charges have damaged the office’s credibility and her legal battle will distract her from the responsibilities of her positon.

This story has been corrected to show that Kane says her defense will be that she broke no laws, not that she’s the victim of an old-boy network. Further, at Kane’s direction, Patrick Reese, a member of her security detail, went into an email collection system and searched for emails connected to the investigating grand jury.

Reese was a passenger, with another agent behind the wheel, when Kane’s state-issued SUV struck a parked vehicle last October near Scranton. Reese and the driver sustained unspecified injuries. If an employee is convicted, he or she is terminated.

Kane would have an opportunity to respond to any disciplinary board action, said Kane spokesman Chuck Ardo.

Prosecutors say Reese has refused to cooperate with them.

The charges against Kane follow claims that she leaked secret grand jury information to a newspaper reporter as payback to a former state prosecutor for making her look bad.

Kathleen Kane’s driver, who is accused of violating a court order by accessing grand jury information, pleaded not guilty on Tuesday and will face a bench trial in September.

State officials on both sides of the aisle have called for Kane to step down including top Republican leaders in the house and senate and Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf. Kane appears to be doing just that, Miskin said, because he can not image her defense lawyers are happy with her planned news conference. She also is the highest-ranking woman in Pennsylvania state government. Kane could remain attorney general during the 10 days she would have to fight a suspension.


In addition, 254 glass smoking devices, valued at roughly $20,000, as well as $2,282 in cash, was seized at the festival, according to the attorney general. Reese is charged with a misdemeanor offense of indecent criminal contempt. He was released on 5,000 unsecured bail.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane arrives to be processed and arraigned on charges she leaked secret grand jury material and then lied about it under oath at the Montgomery County detective bureau in Norr