
AIDS Day reminder to get tested

The Partnership for a Healthy Durham will host a World Aids Day vigil downtown at 4:30 p.m. today.


“That’s a major focus of this year’s World AIDS Day, and it’s one reason why the World AIDS Day website contains important facts about AIDS, and is a good way of getting the information you might need to challenge those misconceptions”.

That’s a global event that serves as a yearly reminder of the ongoing battle against that disease. Despite this each year in the United Kingdom around 6,000 people are diagnosed with HIV.

Some ended up in the hostel in Waena village after being thrown out of home when their relatives found out they had HIV, as the virus still carries a strong stigma in deeply poor Papua, which has the highest prevalence of infections in Indonesia. “At the end of 2014, UNAIDS estimates that new HIV infections had fallen by 35% since the peak in 2000 and AIDS-related deaths have fallen by 42% since the 2004 peak”.

What is World AIDS Day?

“New York was once the epicenter of the AIDS crisis, but now we are showing the nation how to fight back and make this epidemic a thing of the past”, Cuomo said in a statement detailing the new funding.

“We must also honour the dedicated members of our communities who work to prevent HIV/AIDS, reduce stigma and discrimination in its many forms, and help people get the care, treatment, and support they need”.

Earlier this year, Cuba became the first country to have eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV. People with HIV can continue to live a “close to normal life” when taking the correct medications. South Africa had one of the biggest HIV treatment programmes in the world, he said, with more than 3 million people on anti-retroviral drugs. She worries people are underestimating the threat of the virus or the importance of prevention efforts.

Healthcare worker at a clinic in Malawi holding a child who is part of Malawi’s AIDS-free generation.


I can’t get HIV through oral sex:While the risk is less it is possible to get HIV from a man or woman with the condition. In her submission, representative of the Population Council Abuja, Dr. Sylvia Adebajo noted that only 500,000 people are now on treatment, while the 2.9 million largely men, serve as reservoir for the spread of HIV.

World Aids Day Timeline: We've Come A Long Way