
AIDS Resource Center opens new HIV medical home in Madison

About 42 per cent of the newly reported cases were detected by HIV tests conducted while the individuals concerned were receiving medical care.


“We’ll have a world aids day choir performing, we’ll have quest speakers, we’ll have a candle lighting ceremony were people can light a candle in honor or in memory of somebody”, said Rodriguez. “We have the tools”. Resources include the distribution of free condoms, the #PlaySure media campaign to encourage safe sex practices and access to treatments such as the pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxis drugs known as PrEP and PEP.

Studies have shown that taking Truvada can reduce one’s risk of infection by up to 90 percent.

The White House statement said the U.S. has made “significant progress” over the last five years in the fight against the illness, through the country’s first comprehensive National HIV/AIDS strategy, which was released in 2010 and updated in July this year. “This audacious goal of curing AIDS is really a testimony to how strong science leads to better medicine”.

In the USA, about 1.2 million people are living with HIV. At Hyacinth more than 1,500 clients are served each year and reach more than 15,000 through preventative services.

Barry says the number of new infections in New York State has been dropping since 2002. There has also been an increased opportunity for screening through antenatal clinics and during festivals/events.

“HIV is a chronic disease now, so they can leave a long and healthy life on medication and do quite well”. “It’s imperative that we work together to halt the transmission of HIV”. Today HIV and AIDS is disproportionately affecting young black gay and bisexual men, mainly because of the lack of testing and treatment within the community.


Even though aids is now treatable, its hopes continued focus on prevention can help cut infection totals even more. “Conflict between UN numbers and ministry’s numbers hinders finding a definitive census on people living with HIV in Egypt”, UNAIDS Egypt director Ahmed Khamis told state-run newspaper Al-Ahram in September.

Doctors are concerned about levels of unprotected sex