
Aircraft seat cushions, window panes found on Reunion: Malaysia

Chinese relatives staged a protest outside the airline’s Beijing offices.


Flight MH370 was carrying 239 passengers and crew when it disappeared in March last year en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

Numerous family members are also upset that they were not informed about the announcement ahead of time.

Rob Griffith/AP The wing flag washed ashore more than a year after MH370 disappeared sending multiple countries into a massive search throughout the Indian Ocean to find the wreckage.

Investigations resumed Thursday at a French military laboratory into the wing part that Malaysia’s prime minister confirmed as being from missing flight MH370, an AFP journalist said.

He added the debris would make it easier for the investigation team to find the wreckage.

Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai had said the conclusion was reached as the technical details of the flaperon matched the airlines records.

However, any potential certainty was diluted by the word from Paris, where deputy prosecutor Serge Mackowiak said the “very strong conjectures” that the wing part was from Flight 370 still needed to be “confirmed by complementary analysis“.

Mr Hansford, who has previously said he believed the crash was the deliberate act of the pilot, said the flaperon snapping off gave pointers on how the jet entered the water.

Liow said a Malaysian team found the objects, including a window and some aluminum foil, but an aide to the minister later said it was “window material” rather than a window that was recovered.

Malaysia Airlines: “This is indeed a major breakthrough for us”. “The French have made a somewhat more qualified comment”.

Australian search team: “It is heartening that the discovery of the flaperon is consistent with our search area“.

“Why not wait and get everybody on the same page so the families don’t need to go through this turmoil?”

Relatives of the 153 Chinese citizens on board the plane have complained of being left uninformed in the wake of its disappearance.

He said more analysis would be carried out on Thursday, but he could not say when further results would be announced.

“We hope that President Xi can quickly help us rescue our people“, said Zhang Yongli, a 64-year-old whose daughter was on the plane. We don’t know what happened and where the plane went down.

The BBC’s corespondent in Paris, Hugh Schofield, said that “Mackowiak’s wording does not suggest he has doubts, but that he is exercising legal caution”. MH370 had deviated from its flight path between Malaysian and Vietnamese radar, turned west and then northwest-ward over Malaysian and Thai airspace, before seemingly heading out to the southern Indian Ocean, where it is believed to have crashed.

Also on Thursday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying requested Malaysia honor its commitments, continue the investigation into the cause of the accident, provide the families with necessary help and uphold their lawful rights and interests.


Paul Weeks’ sister Sara Weeks said the families want 100 percent confirmation before they take the next step and plan funerals or memorial services.

The shadow of a Royal New Zealand Air Force P3 Orion maritime search aircraft seen on low-level clouds as it flies over the southern Indian Ocean looking for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370