
Airstrikes hit convoy carrying ISIS militants out of Falluja

Speaking on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak to the press, the official said initial USA estimates suggested that aircraft involved in the operation may have killed as many as 240 people in more than 50 vehicles.


ISIS appears to be on the defensive across the Middle East – from its self-declared capital of Raqqa in Syria to Falluja, a strategically important city just 65 kilometers (40 miles) from the capital of Baghdad.

To the east, in the city’s industrial neighborhood, dozens of vehicle fix shops had been converted into auto bomb factories.

On Sunday, Iraqi security forces said the city of Fallujah was “fully liberated” from IS control.

Obeidi cautioned that Iraq will require military assistance long after it defeats the Islamic State, to ensure it can maintain future hold on the country.

Mr Fallon said in a statement: “With Coalition support, Iraqi forces are pushing Daesh back and reoccupying territory”.

After declaring Fallujah IS-free, coalition and Iraqi planes attacked a series of convoys of suspected IS fighters and their families outside the city. Iraqi forces say the ISIL fighters were fleeing after an intense gun battle.

The account of the airstrikes provided by the JOC suggests IS fighters had no other choice but to attempt a suicidal convoy, which they knew would leave them exposed to airstrikes. The conflict ended with coalition airstrikes on what was believed to be the fleeing militant convoy.

Officials have not disclosed how many militants in the group, also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh, were killed in the airstrikes. Both Iraqi officers spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss operational details.

According to Col. Chris Garver, a spokesman for the US coalition, a large gathering of vehicles was detected southwest of Fallujah late Tuesday night. The helicopter attacks would be the most devastating to date against the terror group, if Iraqi army claims are accurate. It has been the site of vicious fighting in recent weeks as Iraqi government forces fight to reclaim control.

Speaking at a Ramadan fast-breaking dinner Wednesday Erdogan said the terror organizations were trying to impede Turkey’s ambitions, including becoming one of the world’s 10 strongest economies and building the world’s largest airport.


Hundreds of Islamic State fighters were suspected to have escaped the city during the monthlong operation, according to Iraqi commanders on the ground.

U.S.-led strikes pound Islamic State in Iraq kill 250 fighters