
Al Jazeera journalists among 100 youths pardoned by Egypt’s Sisi

Last month, Mr. Fahmy and his colleague, who had been out on bail, were sentenced to three years in prison on charges of operating without licences and broadcasting false news.


According to Arabi21, the government has said that the programme’s goal is to produce youth leaders with a strategic vision through studying administration, politics, information and human development sciences. His two colleagues had also been released in February, but they had remained in Egypt for a retrial and then placed back behind bars in August. Sisi said in a speech after Mahlab’s resignation that he still “needs Mahlab by his side”.

Egypt is struggling to get large volumes of foreign investment after years of political turmoil, even though Sisi’s economic reforms have won praise.

“I am free! This time for real! Are they going to take me to the airport and Marwa will be there?” He plans to stop first in either Toronto, where he has many supporters, or in Montreal, where his parents live, before heading for Vancouver, where he and his wife will build a new life.

“More than anything else, we’ve been concerned for their safety, concerned for their welfare”.

Part of that life will involve a position as an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia’s school of journalism.

The detention and trial sparked global criticism of Sisi, who has said he wished the journalists had been deported from the outset rather than put on trial.

While Mr. Fahmy said he is grateful for support he received from opposition parties in Canada and for the efforts of Ambassador Troy Lulashnyk in Cairo, he has criticized Ottawa’s slow response and initial lack of support, including not pressing for Mr. Fahmy to receive medical care in prison for an injured shoulder that has resulted in a permanent injury.

“I will continue fighting for press freedom”. Former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser carried out similar measures in the 1960s with the programme of “pioneering organisation” to produce youth leadership followers of his regime. “She’s ready to go”.

“It’s safer for us to be out”. “It has been a long ordeal, and we are grateful to President Sissi for exercising his power to pardon the two journalists”, Amal Clooney said in a statement.


In a statement by the presidency, Sisi said “this Bairam provides a sublime value of sacrifice that all of us should cherish while serving our nation to realize security and stability for a better future for our kids”.

CPJ Al Jazeera welcome pardon of journalists demand more freedom