
Al-Qaida abducts US-backed rebels in northern Syria

A statement released by “Division 30” accused Nusra Front of abducting their leader Nadim al-Hasan and a number of his companions in a rural area north of Aleppo, AFP reported. It should Nusra to discharge these items.


The Observatory said they were among rebels trained in Turkey to fight the Islamic State group in Syria. He said al-Hassan was abducted near the border town of Azaz along with six members of the group as they were returning from a meeting Wednesday night.

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The observatory said the fighters had met with other rebel factions about a coordinated assault on the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. Most of the 60 or so fighters, who have so far completed Washington’s train-and-equip program, are from Division 30.

In two identical letters sent to the UN Secretary-General and the head of the Security Council, the Ministry said that throughout more than four years of the crisis in Syria, Turkey hasn’t ceased to conspire against Syria by supporting terrorists that came from more than 100 countries through Turkey to join ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Cham, and other Al Qaeda-affiliated organizations.

It called on “the brothers of Al-Nusra Front to free (the kidnapped) as quickly as possible to preserve Muslim blood and avoid weakening the fronts with side disputes between brothers”.

“I can tell you that the New Syrian Force personnel that are a part of our training program are all present and accounted for and none have been detained or captured”, said Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, Defense Department spokesman.

The U.S. military launched the program in May to train up to 5,400 fighters a year in what was seen as a test of President Barack Obama’s strategy of getting local partners to combat Islamic State. The extremist group’s strength, along with the rise of the Islamic State group, ultimately lead to the downfall of the moderate opposition group in December.

U.S. officials, though, say the challenges in shaping a reliable force dictate the slow pace of the program.


Pentagon officials say 1,500 volunteers are waiting for the completion of a vetting process to join train-and-equip.
