
Alabama ends court fight over Planned Parenthood funding

McCarthy is giving no indication that last week’s fatal shootings at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado will affect a House probe of the group for providing fetal tissue to researchers.


Lawyers for Gov. Robert Bentley’s administration and Planned Parenthood Southeast submitted a proposed settlement agreement to a federal judge to end the lawsuit brought by the health care provider against the state.

“This is an important victory for our patients in Alabama who will be able to keep getting high-quality health care and would have suffered if the state had pushed forward with this political agenda”, said Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, when commenting on Monday’s settlement, according to the Associated Press.

A top House leader predicted Monday that Washington will avoid stumbling into a government shutdown next week over a tea party-backed drive to take away Planned Parenthood’s funding.

Some conservatives want congressional leaders to include language blocking Planned Parenthood’s federal funds in a bill keeping federal agencies functioning past December 11. “I will tell you, there is a tremendous group of people that think it’s awful, all of the videos that they’ve seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood talking about it like you’re selling parts to a vehicle”. The new two or three weeks will be a big test for new Speaker Paul Ryan, who has to balance the demands of conservatives with the need to get Obama to sign must-do bills. The White House has threatened to veto the legislation and it is not clear whether it has enough support to pass the Senate. He suggested that refugee measure could be added to the government funding legislation, saying, “that bill needs to pass and become law whichever way it can”.

In a statement, Alabama’s Bentley said Planned Parenthood revised its reimbursement policy following the video uproar.

“They’ve known for years that the statute requires privilege”, Layton said.

Prominent Democrats, including Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Sen.

McCarthy stood by the Republican-created House panel investigating how fetal parts are made available for research by Planned Parenthood and other organizations. But, “I do not hear people shutting the government down over it right now”, said McCarthy, a Republican from California.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is convening the meeting to walk through the special budgetary process known as reconciliation, which will allow Republicans to pass the package with a simple-majority vote.


“We’ll wait and see what happens”, Mr. Reid said.

GOP leader defends House Planned Parenthood investigation