
Albertville honors vets with Veterans Day ceremony

Mayor Tom Barrett, Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn, and Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clark were all at the ceremony.


OLD CITY–For the first time in Philadelphia’s history, a Veterans Day Parade celebrated those who put it all on the line. He said many in his infantry didn’t know if risking their lives in the Army Infantry’s 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam really served a greater objective for their country.

Suicide prevention is a major issue facing veterans, Holtel said, even for those who have not seen combat.

Sergeant Michael Javorina of Columbus is one of thousands across our nation being honored on this Veteran’s Day.

The efforts of our war heroes should never be forgotten and one way of honoring their efforts is through Veteran’s Day.

A plaque was also presented to Fort Gordon officials to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. “There are approximately 23.2 million military veterans in the U.S”.

In a ceremony at that designated eleventh hour on Wednesday at the Blue Cross Arena, veterans and local leaders paid tribute and honored those who have served our country in war.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the veterans for our freedoms and for everything you all do for us”.

The association established the memorial in 2013 and has been honoring veterans since 2013. “By doing things for the veterans, especially those who came back maimed, no leg, no arm”, he said.

Charlie Hogan, Veteran and designer of the memorial, said it was important to him that the kids understood the importance of the United States Military. Rather, this is a time to recognize all those who have served in the military up to this day, either in war or peace.


“I go to the stores and stuff, I’ve got little kids walking up to me and saying, ‘Thank you for your service, ‘ and stuff”, he said.

Acadiana Community Celebrates Veterans Day