
Alcohol Banned From USC Locker Room

In addition to apologizing to the media for making reporters work on an off day, Sarkisian apologized to his players and the team’s leadership council privately. ESPN reports that athletic director Pat Haden “had to intervene and was seen berating Sarkisian backstage afterward”. In an infamous moment the head coach of the Trojans would love to have back, Sarkisian dropped foul language while reportedly under the influence at a preseason gala event for significant donors to USC and the football program.


He says it was the result of mixing alcohol and medication. “I’d like to apologize for my behavior Saturday night”.

“That’s an issue that really should remain private”, Sarkisian said. “I feel bad for the University of Southern California”.

“The way I acted was irresponsible and something that I, obviously, don’t condone”.

As for the treatment he will be receiving, Sarkisian was not clear – but said, “I don’t know that I need rehab”.

“I still believe in him and can rely on him”, he said, “and don’t question his ability to coach the team”.

“I took medication, mixed it with alcohol, not a lot… and responded in a way that was not acceptable for me or the university”, Sarkisian said.

In a statement released Sunday, Haden condemned Sarkisian’s behavior: “I met with Coach Sarkisian and I expressed my disappointment in the way he represented himself and the University at our Salute To Troy event”.


USC is set to open the season September 5 against Arkansas State at the Coliseum.

Booze has been banned from the USC locker room