
Aleppo: Dozens of families evacuated from besieged Syrian city through ‘humanitarian corridor’

Osama Abo Elezz, a general surgeon from Aleppo who was stranded in Turkey because of the siege, said the humanitarian corridor proposal serves the interests of the Syrian government and their Russian allies and “forces people to go to areas they don’t want to go to”.


Some rebels had also surrendered to government forces, the report said.

It was the first major movement of people in Aleppo since Russia’s announcement on Thursday that safe passages would be opened for civilians and surrendering opposition fighters.

US -led coalition targeting a village in northern Syria held by the Islamic State group killed at least 28 civilians, including seven children, Syrian activists said Friday.

The move came after the Syrian army completely severed the rebel supply lines into eastern Aleppo, making them totally besieged.

Syrian TV footage appeared to show dozens of people leaving, a small proportion of the hundreds of thousands of people still living in besieged eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo.

“Any initiative that can successfully give civilians some respite from the ongoing and indiscriminate violence, and allows them to voluntarily leave for safer areas, would be much welcomed”, said Mardini.

SANA also reported that several rebel gunmen surrendered.

“Four humanitarian corridors are being opened, in addition to those prepared earlier for the exit of civilians from Aleppo neighbourhoods controlled by militants”, a defence ministry statement said.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also vowed amnesty for those who turn in their weapons, stressing that the policy has been exercised by Damascus since the beginning of the crisis in the Middle Eastern country.

The Observatory said that “a number” of civilians had left the east of the city through a passage in the Salaheddin area.

“Be clear – these “corridors” are not for getting aid in, but driving people out” so it can capture the city, he said.

As of today, the Russian Air Force have dropped to districts of western Aleppo 2,500 humanitarian-aid sets of food, essentials, and more than 500 people in Aleppo have received more than 1,5 tons of food.

Rebels have been in control of much of eastern Aleppo since July 2012 but the Syrian army, backed by pro-government militia and Syrian and Russian jets, has recently driven them back.

In an operation on Thursday, Syrian army forces took control of Bani Zeid neighborhood in northern Aleppo and forced the terrorists to retreat from the district.

France said on Friday that a Russian plan for humanitarian corridors to allow residents of Aleppo to flee the besieged Syrian city were not a “credible response”.

Speaking to reporters in the United Nations office in Geneva, De Mistura said that he did not know any details about the Russian proposal, which was first announced by Moscow on Thursday.

He stressed that Russian suggestion to open humanitarian corridors in the area of military operations is possible only with Russian participation, and the United Nations would not be able to do it on its own.


The United States is trying to determine whether a Russian plan for a humanitarian operation in Syria is honest, Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday, adding that if it proves a “ruse” it could ruin cooperation between Moscow and Washington.

UN envoy suggests Russia leave evacuation of Aleppo to UN