
All Eyes on Iowa and New Hampshire

I think he and the vice president have tried to be fair and evenhanded in the process, and I expect they will continue to be.


The Democratic National Committee sanctioned just four debates among the presidential candidates before the Iowa caucuses and, for the first time in three decades, no debate at all between Iowa and the New Hampshire primary.

Sanders hailed Obama’s policy of avoiding more wars and keeping American troops out of the Middle East “quagmire”. “And a chance to reach 3 million before Iowa, just one month later”.

Sanders said with a laugh that he didn’t directly ask for Obama’s endorsement.

The Monmouth University Poll surveyed 504 Iowa voters likely to attend the Democratic presidential caucuses via telephone between January 23-26 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.

On the Republican side, 24% of Wisconsin voters say they are throwing their support behind Donald Trump, 18% for Marco Rubio, 16% for Ted Cruz, 8% for Ben Carson and 5% for Chris Christie.

Hillary Clinton stepped up the pressure on Bernie Sanders Wednesday when she called on the Vermont senator to agree to an unsanctioned Democratic debate sponsored by NBC and New Hampshire’s Union Leader. “We look forward to working with the DNC and the other campaigns to schedule a series of debates to follow those now scheduled”. “That’s work that they’ve obviously done in the past, and that’s work that the president hopes they can do together in the future”, he said.

Sanders’ campaign also responded to a new Clinton campaign ad airing in Iowa attacking his Medicare-for-all proposal.

Sanders’ main Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, released a statement from her own doctor past year giving her a clean bill of health. The Sanders campaign doesn’t want a debate between Iowa and New Hampshire. “Sanders has significant momentum”.

Clinton gets 64 percent of likely Democratic primary voters’ support, compared to 27 percent for Sanders. “If not, I think we’re going to be struggling”, he noted.


“I regret we didn’t get health care back in 1993 or ’94, because we’d really be much further down the road”, she says.

Donald Trump