
All Points: Black Lives Matter

However, the post which is attributed to Stallen and has a picture of a man in police uniform that was posted before the Dallas shooting, was critical of the focus of the movement.


FILE – In this Friday, July 8, 2016 file photo, flowers and ribbons are taped to flag poles in the area of the attack on Dallas police officers last night in Dallas.

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said the Black Lives Matter movement was “dividing America” Tuesday following a week of protests over the shooting of African-American men by police. But the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter have retorted to these accusations, saying that they also condemn any act of murdering cops, but they should still be able to demand accountability, according to a report by The Huffington Post.

Stalien proceeded to resort to statistics wherein black people kill other black people more than the police do, and that there are only protests when a white police does it. This effort came after it was confirmed that the officer who fatally shot Castile is Latino, not Asian, as first speculated.

Yesterday, a Clickhole article summed up the problem Giuliani and other stupid people have in an article titled, “If Black Lives Matter Isn’t A Racist Hate Group, Then Can Someone Please Explain To Me Why I Keep Insisting They Are?”

The group was created after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the 2012 killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

In Berlin, protesters staged a “die-in” at Potsdamer Platz on Sunday and read aloud a list of the names of the black men and women killed by police in the United States.

Our country is divided.

After several minutes of protesting face-to-face with the troopers, the protesters made their way back to 13th Street to continue their protest chanting and carrying their signs as they walk in the street.

To me, it’s very simple: we all matter. If black people feel unfairly targeted by police, Trump added, there’s a simple solution: “We have to talk to ’em and we have to build up the spirit”.

But if we want to talk about violence in America, can’t that dynamic that Giuliani pointed to be part of the discussion as well, in the same way that many people want gun control or police reform to be a part of the debate? “I was that hurt about what I’ve seen”, Pope said.

Because there are actual bad folks out there that we need protection from. They just believe that right now there is a disregard for African-American lives.

Black Lives Matter is partly hard to define because it has a decentralized structure and, therefore, a variety of specific goals depending on specific locations. “And it pits two equally important interests against each other that weren’t against each other”.

In his view, the problem is black gangs, murderous black children, the refusal of black protesters to look in the mirror at their “racist” selves, and black parents’ failure to teach their children to respect the police.


“They chant, ‘Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon, ‘” he was quoted by as saying.

Protest Sunday 1