
All pregnant moms should be tested for Zika virus — CDC

Zika is most commonly spread by tropical Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. One of them may have been born at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Berkeley, according to media reports, although officials will not confirm this.


Smith declined to say in what counties the babies were born to protect their family’s privacy.

Three people in Mercer County contracted the Zika virus making them part of the 80 overall travel-related cases in the state, the Christie administration has said.

The San Francisco Health Department said, no information on the patients will be provided due to patient privacy.

“It’s unfortunate that any details about this case were released”, said Willis.

Only one person has been found to have Zika in Riverside County.

“They also work with the Arizona Department of Health Services’ Lab to test mosquitos for the Zika and Dengue viruses”, said Gomez.

As of August 5, CDPH has confirmed 134 travel-associated Zika virus infections in 22 counties.

Pregnant women have been advised not to travel to those areas because of the risk of microcephaly in infants.

Although Zika has been in the headlines lately, last week the first West Nile case was confirmed here in Fresno County.

Zika is a disease that’s usually mild but can lead to severe brain-related birth defects if women are infected during pregnancy. The CDC has warned pregnant women not to travel to infected areas. The CDC has urged expectant mothers to avoid Miami’s Wynwood neighborhood, where at least 15 people are believed to have been infected with the Zika virus through mosquito bites. “We continue to closely monitor developments in our understanding of the Zika virus as treatments and testing regimes develop”.

Some of the most common symptoms of Zika virus are fever, rash, joint pain and red, itchy eyes.


‘This is a sobering reminder for Californians that Zika can cause serious harm to a developing fetus.

First case of Zika reported in Yellowstone County