
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge returns Saturday

ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.


Frates and Challenge co-founder Pat Quinn watched Red Sox players and personnel dump water over their heads to help raise awareness and research funding for the disease.

Time will tell if this year’s efforts match or surpass the first Ice Bucket Challenge, but don’t be surprised to see your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds flooded with videos of your friends and family dousing themselves in ice water. “Pat and I can’t wait to kick things off this Friday at Fenway”.

The ALS Society of Quebec is trying to make the ice bucket challenge a viral phenomenon for the second straight year.

In just one week, the Indiana chapter of the ALS Association pulled in $30,000.

There is no known cure for the disease, which is inevitably fatal.

Click: ALS information on getting involved this year.

“Thank you to Major League Baseball and to everyone who is making it possible to transform a moment into a movement, establishing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge as an annual event to find treatments and cure for ALS”.

The ALS Association has created resources to help people interested in participating in the challenge this year, including a humorous infographic and instructional video.

Many donated to ALS during the Ice Bucket Challenge, as the organization says it took in more than $115 million in charitable gifts during a six-week period from the beginning of August to mid-September.


The Muscular Dystrophy Association is the world’s leading nonprofit health agency dedicated to saving and improving the lives of people with muscle disease, including muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neuromuscular diseases.

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Is Back This August