
Amazon Has Plastered NY Subway Cars with Nazi Imagery

As initially reported by Variety, Amazon has asked the NY MTA to take down ads that blend the American flag with fascist symbols, responding to criticism of the images.


“I shouldn’t have to sit staring at a Nazi insignia on my way to work”, Gothamist quoted her as saying.

Ortiz said the ads don’t violate the agency’s neutrality standards and so had to be allowed.

The cover of the novel uses the original Imperial sun logo as well as the swastika, which the new show does not use in advertising.

The shuttle ads are now scheduled to run until December 14.

While the show depicts an alternate historical timeline where Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan win WWII, people were less than enthused for it when they stepped into MTA subway cars and found it decked out in Axis symbols. State Rep. Jeffrey Dinowitz of the Bronx said he was offended as a Jewish man as well as a New Yorker. NY Mayor Bill de Blasio urged Amazon to pull the “offensive” ads, and Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a Brooklyn democrat, even called for a boycott against the Seattle company.

“The updated standards prohibit political advertisements”. Users accused both Amazon and the MTA of promoting Nazi ideology and anti-Semitic feelings with the ad campaign.

‘On the television program, which explains this is the notion of an America controlled by Hitler, you get that context, ‘ he told Gothamist. “The fact that the flag is spread across the seats only compounds the effect”. This includes Nazi imagery, and the show’s version of the American flag.

“Our concern is the Nazi imagery is being used as part of this ad campaign comes without any context”, the Anti-Defamation League’s NY regional director, Evan Bernstein said. In light of the outcry, Amazon Studios has evidently made a decision to back off from the marketing strategy. Nonetheless, the subway ads became a widespread topic of conversation, with photos and criticisms being shared by the public on social media.


“I hadn’t noticed that”, one said, “That’s a little disturbing”.

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