
Amazon video of home delivery drone

The futuristic delivery system from Amazon created to get packages to customers in 30 minutes or less using small unmanned aerial vehicles, also called drones has been the topic of debate for months. Clarkson narrates a scene in which a young girl desperately needs a new pair of cleats for an upcoming soccer match. But the company said the drones it has been developing would be quite different. They look a bit more like a plane than a helicopter.


Amazon didn’t announce a time frame for the service.

The video, which indicated that the drone flight was real while the situation might be contrived, showed machinery at an Amazon warehouse lifting a package into the belly of a large drone that then took off vertically before flying airplane-style to its destination.

The drone is equipped with “sense and avoid technology” and can fly at a height of 400 feet.

What was once only science fiction is what Amazon is now trying to make into reality – the future of online shopping delivery service. In March, for example, Amazon won approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to test a specific drone design outdoors.


Clarkson described the aircraft as being one of a family of delivery drones designed for various environments. In the video, there is a piece of cardboard with the Amazon logo printed on it placed on the grass in the backyard lawn.

FAA Permit for Drone Flight School May Help Amazon Google Speed Up Delivery Plans				
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