
Amazon Will Open A Real Store In Chicago

Amazon is planning three more physical bookstores, expanding its current Seattle offering to Chicago, San Diego and Portland, the Financial Times confirmed on Thursday. But as chain bookstores struggle to compete with Amazon, smaller independent shops are thriving as the shop local movement continues to be popular among U.S. consumers, particularly millennials.


Internet retail giant Amazon, who’s (at least partially) responsible for the demise of large-chain brick-and-mortar bookstores, has made an effort recently to further disrupt the book market by opening its own physical stores.

“I think it is an incredible move”, McLean-Foreman said.

So, for example, visitors to the new location will be able to find a selection of carefully curated titles based on customer ratings, pre-orders, sales, and curators’ assessments, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Internet retail behemoth Amazon has been accused of effectively shutting down book stores.

Amazon opened its Seattle location last November, and has slowly revealed plans for more stores since. The store will reportedly highlight Amazon’s electronic products while selling books.

“We hope that if this goes well, if customers love it, we’d love to do it in other places”, Cast said.

One reason why Amazon, which caused disruption galore when it launched as an online book vendor in 1995, might be building real bookstores?


In addition, visitors will have a chance to get their hands on Amazon’s growing inventory of hardware, including its newest Kindle, Echo speaker, and range of Fire tablets.

Amazon is opening a bookstore in Lakeview