
Amber Rose Blasts Commenters Calling Her 3-Year-Old Son ‘Gay’

A guy holding the door for another guy?


Amber Rose, who is no stranger to putting detractors in their place, did just that following a series of disrespectful comments under a photo of her son, Sebastian Thomaz, adorably rocking one of her wigs. That mama bear swooped down in the comments section of her Instagram and gutted those fish like a hawk. “SMH! He already talks a little “sweet”!”

Don’t mess with Amber “Muva” Rose and her son. Go put a wig on your boyfriend, or your daddy, or your baby’s father, and then see if they turn gay. Then let me know. Oh, they didn’t turn gay? Wow!

“I literally nearly shed a tear every single time when he hugs me really tight and he says, ‘Oh, Mommy, I love you so much.’ I want him to do any and every thing that makes him smile and be happy forever”. “So how about all you ignorant f*cks read a book and realize your sexual orientation has nothing to do with the way you dress”.

Amber Rose is no dainty rose when it comes to dealing with the ranting and raving masses on the web, but even she was shocked at the depths that strangers could sink to.

“Sexual orientation has nothing to do with how people dress”.


Rose responded with a long rant in a series of videos posted to her Snapchat telling people to “educate yourself before you write a motherf*cking comment”. But then we wouldn’t have the Internet, silly!

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