
‘American Horror Story: Hotel’ recap 5×06 ‘Room 33’

If there is one thing that we can say with certainty in regards to next week’s new episode of “American Horror Story: Hotel”, it is that it may have at least a chance to have more going on in the present.


“Flicker” opens up by putting the spotlight back on Will Drake for a hot second.

Episode 7 kicks off with contractors discovering a secret hall at Hotel Cortez. After they feed on a hotel guest who brags about weaseling her way into a free commission to a woman she supposedly hates, Valentino and Natasha, who’ve been deprived of far too many meals since their incarceration in the hotel, she lays into him about whether it was “worth it” for them to take on a third wheel with the Countess. From the preview for “Flicker” we know John is still trying to get authorities to check out the Hotel Cortez. And although The Countess had a hard time believing her former lover, she couldn’t deny it when she laid eyes on Valentino himself. The resident of Room 33 is revealed. That is, until one day, Valentino paid attention to her. As he and Natasha recount, Valentino was approached by German director F.W. Murnau who warns that the invention of talking pictures would kill the Gods and that Valentino should preserve his beauty by becoming infected with the ancient blood virus Morneau got from a mountain orgy. I’m a little shocked at the Countess murdering Tristan, but it’s not like this is the last we’ll see of him.

Elsewhere in the episode Iris killed a pair of arrogant hipsters that frustrated her, Liz (Denis O’Hare) revealed the story of how he became an employee at the hotel, and Alex started working as the new governess for The Countess’ children. But now the wall is down, Valentino and Natasha are loose again, and they’re hungrier than ever. She immediately attempts to commit suicide, but Mr. March saves her and decides he wants to keep her forever.

All of the issues mentioned at the beginning of this recap apply here, and then a few. First off, we’ve got enough key characters to worry about. But we were all wondering, who’s the Supreme? I didn’t see that one coming! John then passes out. Or is it a “meltdown?”

Moving on to Episode 7 of “American Horror Story: Hotel” (AHS) Season 5. But instead, it’s just a young girl named Wren (Jessica Belkin). Tristan reveals that he loves Liz, and Liz realizes that she has feelings for him as well, but she is terrified of letting the Countess find out. And if John Lowe actually got Red killed, well, he’s going to have a few “splaining to do to the Countess, and she’s holdin” Holden, his own kid, in her lair, so THAT can’t turn out well.

After being locked inside the hall for years, the zombie-like creatures are obviously hungry, and make their way down the hotel. The big problem with “Flicker” is that it’s got no forward momentum. The show was recently renewed for another season – much to the delight of its creator Ryan Murphy.


“How would someone even know their anus needs bleaching?” Feeling betrayed, the Countess slits Tristan’s throat in front of Liz. I think I should be the Supreme!

Angela Bassett