
American Legion holds annual Memorial Day service

Patriotic music, USA flags waving in the wind, and stone after stone marking a life given in sacrifice; all the sights and sounds of Monday’s Memorial Day ceremonies.


Observed on the last Monday in May, Memorial Day commemorates the men and women who gave their lives while serving in the US military.

It was a moving Memorial Day ceremony in Franklin County on Monday, when members of the American Legion Post 1961 made several stops to honor fallen soldiers. The wall lists not only the names of men who have served, but also many women who have served.

The Berlin High School chorus sang the National Anthem and America the lovely.

Before the songs and salutes, though, Allison said multiple hours have been spent to enhance the atmosphere for the event.

Vietnam veteran Leonard Johnson said the day has a personal meaning. “There’s veterans throughout the cemetery”, Williams said.

Colaresi told those gathered that 1,000 American flags were placed on the graves of veterans earlier in the week.

An annual flag retirement ceremony in Kanawha County typically brings healing to friends and family of fallen heroes and this year was no different. Originally known as Decoration Day, the observance originated after the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.

They dedicate the first few hours of their Memorial Day to honor veterans with a color guard parade, a wreath laying ceremony and this year, remarks from U.S. Sen.

Today, on Memorial Day, many families will spend time checking out the Festival of Pacific Arts, going to the beach, barbecuing or taking part in other relaxing, fun activities. In Allison’s view, while Mondy is a day off for many, the public should still be aware of why it’s a holiday.


“We’re here because people before us did their thing they had to do, so you and I, and all of us, could talk like this, and enjoy these celebrations with no problems”, said veteran Carlos Gonzales, who served in Iraq.

Bay Area scouts place flags on gravesites recall true meaning of Memorial Day