
American Legion honors the fallen for Memorial Day

Ceremonies are planned today at Santa Rosa Memorial Park beginning at 10 a.m. and about a dozen other locations in Sonoma, Marin, Mendocino and Lake counties.


“It means honor guys who have given their lives”, says Robert Johnson, veteran of the Marines. In 1971, an act of Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday.

That is why on Memorial Day we honor our fearless soldiers who died in the line of duty.

This year’s theme was All gave some, Some gave all, as several veterans presented memorial wreaths for fallen brothers and sisters. During the ceremony, the veterans retired the old colors in the American Legion plot of Bonaventure, and hoisted new colors in their place.

He talked of his father’s service in World War II, explaining a soldier’s life was unpredictable.

The city of Boise is celebrating Memorial Day with the unveiling of its first-ever memorial honoring Vietnam War veterans. “(I’ve) Never been sorry that I joined the Navy”, he said.

You can also go to your local cemetery and decorate a hero’s grave site with flowers or the American flag.

“It’s just a great opportunity for people to be able to bury their veteran loved ones in Northeast Louisiana in closer proximity to where they live”.

The death toll from a war can continue to rise years, even decades, after the hostilities end. “In fact, it is because of the freedoms enjoy that we can do these things today”, Becker said.

Major General Glenn Curtis with the Louisiana National Guard, says Memorial Day is “a day that we pay honor to all those Americans who have given their life for our country to maintain our democracy”.

But Irvin wants to make sure other veterans get the funeral services they’ve earned, something that’s kept him pretty busy.

This year, Memorial Day happens to land on the original date of May 30.

“It instills a sense of pride, a sense of community, a sense of belonging”, Richard Colson, American Legion Department of Nebraska, Area-D Vice Commander, says.


But the holiday has lost its way; the day’s original intent has become obscured and forgotten, Memorial Day advocates argue at the website and elsewhere.

Putnam County veterans clean the memorial wall of Putnam veterans who were killed in wars and conflicts from World War I to Afghanistan and Iraq in preparation for a Memorial Day event Monday at the Putnam Courthouse at 11 a.m. In the foreground is Jim Ro