
American missionary among dead in Burkina Faso hotel attack 3/8

Riddering leaves behind four children, two of whom were adopted from Burkina Faso.


Al Qaeda’s Saharan branch, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, claimed…

In all, at least 29 people died inside the Splendid and across the road at the Cappuccino cafe, another favourite watering hole for expatriates. All three were men, the minister said, adding that they were “very young”.

Because there were French victims, an legal inquiry has been opened in France and six French anti-terror experts left for Ouagadougou on Saturday to help local investigators. Here in Ouagadougou, the victims had been grabbing a cold drink outside or staying at one of the capital’s few upscale hotels.

The bodies of three jihadists had been identified.

The prime minister condemned the attacks Saturday on the Splendid Hotel and nearby Cappuccino Cafe in the West African country as a “brutal act of violent terrorism”. The boy, Michel Santomenna, and his mother were the son and wife of the restaurant owner, Gaetano Santomenna.


“Italy will continue to work to ensure that the worldwide community remains united and intensifies its efforts to fight the terrorist threat, which once again showed its most inhuman and cruel face by targeting innocent civilians”, it said.

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