
American Muslims counter Donald Trump’s 9/11 celebration narrative

Trump and [fellow Republican candidate] Ben Carson are banking on the fact that people who are turned off by politics are going to rally and get behind them.


GIULIANI: And there were – and I can tell you reported to me – I didn’t see them. “I know for sure that is completely untrue”, Waheed Khalid, president of a cemetery for the Muslim community known as Jersey State Memorial Park, told CNN. Recently, Trump gained the endorsement of a black pastor who is challenging the media’s apparent claims that minorities are automatically anti-Trump.

“I believe black lives do matter, but I believe all lives matter very strongly”, Trump said.

It’s one thing to say there were pockets of Muslims in this country celebrating 9/11, but it’s quite another to claim it was “thousands and thousands”.

The first time Donald Trump mentioned Muslims cheering in New Jersey was after the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, when he was sustaining an argument in favor of keeping a registry of Muslims, according to Latino Fox News.

“We did have some celebrating – that is true”, Giuliani said on CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday.

Today, a senior adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, Dan Scavino, said he was backing up Trump’s claims by tweeting a video report by former WCBS-TV reporter Pablo Guzman describing celebrations in Jersey City, N.J., after the World Trade Center collapsed. He also said his school years provided him with “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military”. Whether we like Trump or not, there is evidence that Muslims throughout America celebrated on September 11, 2001. He said there’s no video or photo evidence of what Trump is claiming.

The exchange between Bryant and Davis comes a day after Trump gathered the pastors together at Trump Tower for the meeting, which was originally set up by Trump’s campaign as an event for the Republican presidential frontrunner to be endorsed by 100 black religious leaders and evangelicals. In the original video, she said she heard the kids say “burn America”.


“When I met him, I had the feeling that this is a humble man. It’s not the image that we see out in public”. The controversy has continued from there, as Trump has doggedly insisted that he saw a television report that was the basis for his statement.

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump center talks with reporters while surrounded by a group of African American religious leaders in New York on Monday after a meeting with a coalition of 100 African American evangelical pastors and religious