
American nanny’s death in Austria a possible homicide

The American-born nanny found dead in her apartment in Vienna, Austria, Tuesday night was identified by the U.S. Embassy in Vienna as Lauren Mann, 25, an au pair originally from Colorado, NBC News reported.


The young woman’s employer became alarmed when she did not turn up to work on Monday and called the police.

This story is developing.

CBS reports police found Lauren Mann half naked on a mattress in the bedroom after forcing open the woman’s apartment door on Tuesday.

The woman is not being named under Austrian privacy laws.

Keiblinger told the media outlet that a ‘considerable amount of blood’ was found in the bathroom.

An autopsy showed she had no external injuries. Police are looking into whether she was possibly poisoned. She has been studying in Austria for about three years, The Local reports.

All the light bulbs in her apartment were burnt out and had to be replaced before a forensics team could investigate, according to The Local, an English-language Austrian newspaper.


Her employer described her as “very reliable”, hence why he found it unusual when she did not arrive at work.

Image Lauren Mann