
Americans Place Higher Priority on Preserving Religious Freedom of Christians

A new poll shows Americans prioritize protecting Christians’ religious freedom.


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The poll found that 82 percent of Americans said protecting religious freedom for Christians was important, compared to 61 percent who said the same for Muslims. Seventy one percent felt that it was important for Jews to have preservation of their religious freedoms.

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Surely Coughlin recognizes that possibility. “He kind of told me what happened in the meeting, because it was very brief, with Mr. I always have the competitive spirit. “It would be really silly for me to say yesterday was just a normal day”, Shurmur said.

The subject has also taken on new politicized meanings in an age of growing debate over gay marriage and Islamic extremism.

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The poll’s new question on religious liberty yields “important data, but it’s also important to ask it in calmer times … to establish a trend”, says Jennifer Benz, deputy director of the AP-NORC Center. Both Democrats and Republicans ranked religious freedom for Muslims as a lower priority compared with other religions. 88 percent of Republicans and 83 percent of Democrats said religious liberty protections were important for Christians, while 60 percent of Republicans and 67 percent of Democrats said the same for Muslims. In the aftermath, there’s been a wave of vandalism and arson at USA mosques. “People in different traditions, with different ideological commitments, define religious freedom differently”. On a more general level, 42% in the poll said it was more important for the government to ensure Americans’ safety than to protect their rights, while 27% said rights are more important.

The latest Pew Research survey of America’s religious landscape found that although Christians make up 70% of Americans, this is a significantly less Christian country than it was seven years ago, with the percentage down almost 8 points from 2007. Several outspoken critics have emerged who argue Islam itself is a threat to the U.S. 4o percent say safety is more important than civil liberties.

The survey revealed that only about a quarter of Americans feel protecting their rights and freedoms as citizens is more critical than being kept secure. “Now Jews are clearly inside the circle of religious liberty, and Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and nonbelievers are on the perimeter, protected in law but not so much in public opinion”.

“People may not realize you can not have a system where there’s one rule for one group and another rule for a different group you don’t like”.

“No religion is an island”, Rassbach said. If somebody else’s religion is being limited by the government, yours is liable to be limited in the same way.


Results of the poll, which queried 1,042 US adults between December 10-13, were released Wednesday. The overall margin of error is plus or minus 3.9%.

Eighty-two percent said that religious protections are important for Christians but only 61% said the same for Muslims