
Amid fundraising worries, Trump gathers potential donors

Donald Trump’s national finance team held its first official meeting on Thursday amid growing concerns about the Republican presidential candidate’s lack of a campaign infrastructure, his attacks on a Mexican-American judge, and the realization that Trump’s flame-throwing instincts have yet to be reined in.


REP. PAUL RYAN (R-WI), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Claiming a person can’t do the job due to their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. “They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”.

The first-term senator, who previously spent 10 years in the House, has distinguished himself as an outspoken critic of Trump within the party and as one of only a few GOP senators to withhold an endorsement.

The vice president and Warren – who also endorsed Clinton Thursday – spoke in front of a friendly and receptive crowd and each hit Trump for his comments on Indiana-born judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is hearing a case concerning Trump University and has been attacked by the GOP candidate due to his Mexican heritage. “I think today he has less than a 50-50 chance”. “I think he has to continue what he did Tuesday night with the specific speeches aimed at big topics drawing a clear distinction between where he is and where Hillary is”. Fast forward 11 months later and Trump has clinched the required number of delegates to become the party’s nominee, but that hasn’t stopped many Republicans from planning to alter the convention.

Most of the Southern states are as red (Republican) as New England is blue (Democrat).

“Freedom of any kind means no one should be judged by their race or their color and the tone of his hue”, Trump said.

“Donald Trump has turned the page”.

“Then I’d have a Senate without the majority, which would be bad because I would love to see the majority”. He scheduled his first fundraiser, signed a campaign finance deal with the Republican Party, and hired Steven Mnuchin – another NY businessman with no political experience – as his national finance chairman, the Associated Press reported. In addition to Manafort, Rick Dearborn, a veteran of the office Sen. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best”, he declared.

Trump has refused to apologize for his comments about the judge, saying instead that his comments were “misconstrued” and insisting in recent days that he is the “least racist person there is”.

Not much, the candidate has said, backing away from his original goal of fundraising $1 billion.

“Get ready, Donald”, Warren tweeted.


FRATES: In an interview with “TIME” magazine, Trump said he was disappointed and surprised by the backlash from Republican leaders to his comments about that federal judge hearing a lawsuit against him.

Former Denver Mayor, other leaders call Trump comments about federal judge 'racist'