
AmpMe app lets users play music together as one giant speaker

One company, Geekin Radio, launched in August, with a similar synchronization technology, that allows users around the world to listen to the same music as friends on real time and chat back and forth as the music plays. From there, additional users can join by simply downloading the app and entering in the “party” passcode. But every once in a while we all find ourselves in a situation where none of those options are at our fingertips. The app enables both iOS and Android devices to play the same music together across both platforms in flawless sync, which creates the effect of powerful, distributed speaker so that everybody can enjoy that song you found. This is possible through a technology that has phones sending “audio-fingerprints” to each other. There’s no Bluetooth involved, and the devices don’t have to be on the same network – they all just have enough of a connection to stream the music. Instead, AmpMe CEO Luc Archambault called it “3D sound”, according to Wired. Note that these tests were performed on some of the newest mobile devices available, including an iPad Air 2, iPhone 6 Plus, and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+.


“It’s a bad experience, but sometimes it’s all you have when the party starts”.

But for a chunk of the demo, the sound wasn’t synced perfectly, and this is probably AmpMe’s biggest challenge.

Rather in comparison with place confidence in Bluetooth or Wiis thatFi technological innovation to get in touch gadgets jointly, AmpMe can benefit from a server-centric spoken fingerprinting technologies to actually synchronize song. Syncing begins automatically, with the song playing from each device. What good is party music if you have to spend the life of the party keeping the music going?


Of course, AmpMe is far from a 5.1 surround sound speaker, but it’s a handy workaround when you’re looking to keep the music going without access to a speaker, and it’s simplicity keeps things easy. And, what’s even more awesome is that the app itself is also free. Have a look at the video below to see the app in action. If it’s the latter, you might wind up better off throwing your phone in a bowl. Those interested in checking out the app can head on over to the iTunes App Store or Google Play for the download.

AmpMe founder