
Amusing or Die Donald Trump Parody Movie Starring Johnny Depp!

“With Donald Trump somehow still in prime-position to become the next President of the United States, Funny Or Die has released what might end up being the most politically important film in American history”.


The 50-minute movie is titled amusing or Die Presents Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal: The Movie which takes its name from Trump’s 1987 best-selling book.

In the late ’80s, Donald Trump wrote, produced, and directed a made-for-TV movie based on his life and named after his bestselling book The Art Of The Deal.

Ron Howard narrates the movie, as himself, explaining to the camera that the movie is directed, written and stars Donald Trump, but never aired back in 1988 after a football game went into overtime. But all his success didn’t come for nothing.

“First, he inherited millions of dollars from his rich father, then he grabbed New York City by the balls”.

“Everyone who was involved in the project is super cool and people with whom we have great relationships”, said amusing or Die editor-in-chief Owen Burke, in an interview with CNN. Filming started in December over a quick four days.

“Because we tend to move so fast, we’re usually just slapping wigs on people”, he continued.

Trump has managed to go mostly unscathed through the 2016 political race, but the parody film reveals the plethora of material that the media can and will bring up to bring Trump down as the campaign continues. He added Depp bought his own hair and makeup team to get him into character.


The spoof also stars Alfred Molina, Robert Morse, Jack McBrayer, Michaela Watkins, Henry Winkler, Stephen Merchant, Christopher Lloyd, Kristen Schaal, Andy Richter, Alf (the alien puppet) and more.

Donald Trump Funny or Die Movie