
Amy, Chuck Schumer Team Up To Call For Increased Gun Control

The two Jewish comedians also discussed Schumer’s meeting with her cousin, Senator Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat.


At the press conference, Schumer stated how serious she is about being an advocate for gun control.

His plan would establish monetary rewards for states that submit all necessary records into a background-check system for gun permits. The Schumers are also seeking “greater mental health and drug abuse program funding from Congress” and are looking to the Department of Justice for “insight and recommendations on how states deal with “involuntary mental health commitments”. While this was the first time Amy Schumer has spoken publicly about the issue of gun violence, she said it will not be her last.

Schumer said that she understood the controversy around gun control in the US, and said that despite what detractors may say she was determined to help make a difference.

In the wake of the fatal shootings at Amy’s “Trainwreck” screening in Louisiana, the actress responded to an open letter from Sarah Clements, whose mother survived the Sandy Hook massacre of 2012.

“No one wants to live in a country where a felon, the mentally ill, or other risky people can get their hands on a gun with such ease”, she said.

Senator Schumer told the press conference he hoped that having his actress cousin by his side would bring increased attention to the problem.

Schumer eulogized the victims, describing Magazine Street business owner Jillian Johnson as “an artistic force in the community”, adding, “I think we would have been friends”.


Known best for her humor on women’s sexuality and gender inequality, Amy Schumer was asked by reporters Monday whether she thought Houser purposely picked her film because of his negative views about feminism and liberals. “We know what can happen when they do”. People say, ‘Well, you’re never going to be able to stop mad people from doing insane things, ‘ but they’re wrong.

Comedian Amy Schumer and her cousin Sen. Charles Schumer discuss gun control legislation