
Amy Poehler returns to Saturday Night Live as Hillary Clinton’s Ghost of

Saturday Night Live icons Tina Fey and Amy Poehler returned to the sketch-comedy series this weekend as guest hosts. However, when present-day Clinton informs her 2008 counterpart that she’s running against Sanders and – eventually – Donald Trump, Poehler’s Hillary rejoices, “Oh my god!”


In the game show “Meet Your Second Wife”, horrified men – and their confused wives – encountered the young girls (and in one case, a fetus) that the men would Wednesday later on in life.

Alongside Amy Poehler, Tina has hosted the awards for the past three years – taking over the job from Ricky, who hosted the event for three years before that.

In the sketch, SNL’s current Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) has a dream in which she’s visited by her past self (Poehler). While we didn’t exactly know how, we hoped the two would reprise two of their most famous characters from their time on the show-Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.

Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph reprised their fan-favorite Bronx Beat sketch last night with a cheers to Christmas, regardless of all of the bad news in the world. “You poor thing, I heard that after you lost you had to become a secretary”, she joked talking about Clinton becoming President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State.

We’re going to have more throughout the night, so be sure to refresh!


Tina Fey actually lets Sarah Palin attack the Hillarys with a pretty sick burn (or would that be a sick “Bern?”).