
Amy Schumer has likened rape victim-shaming to the Salem witch trials

Her memoirs can be bleak, and at some times tragic – especially when she discusses her father’s deteriorating health – but Schumer has fought back, and has a positive outlook on life.


According to Fox News, Schumer penned an entire chapter to fun facts about her and listed 44 “Things You Don’t Know About Me”, where she admits that she has a sex tape. In reality, though, the actress and comedian says she’s “a classic textbook introvert” who values alone time.

“It’s important, I think, to write about that”.

News, Schumer recalled the time she received countless messages from her publicist upon returning to the US from her overseas stay.

In her new book, The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, the comedian shares a variety of personal stories, but the reveal that she prefers to be somewhat withdrawn was the biggest surprise for Stephen Colbert.

Because many of those blocked are women who claim to have been polite, Schumer’s actions are being seen as a betrayal of her fans and feminism. She says a fifth season of the show is slated, but she’s happy Comedy Central is giving her time “to work on other projects”.


She continued that though she has asked Metzger to refrain from posting similar content, the focus on him has distracted from what she views as the real problem. Keep in mind I’ve talked to a climate change denier, a pickup artist and a diagnosed sociopath. They want to burn him at the stake. “I’m not on Facebook so I don’t read his insane rants”. People, they want you to have been raped perfectly, and they want you to be a flawless victim. So it’s this very personal thing to me, that I made a decision to share. Maybe that’ll stop somebody in their tracks, I don’t know. Like, as a woman, I think that a lot of women are in relationships where they’re with someone who doesn’t make sure that they orgasm. I feel like there won’t be enough change. until there’s no wage gap, and until someone says “You’re my favorite comic”, not “You’re my favorite female comic”.

Amy Schumer hospitalized in Hawaii while shooting movie