
Amy Schumer steps into gun control debate

She joined New York Senator Chuck Schumer – her second cousin once removed – to call for gun control at the press conference.


The first part includes a system where the 50 states share information about felons, spousal abusers, and adjudicated mentally ill with the federal government to include in national background checks.

At a news conference at the senator’s office in Manhattan on Monday, Amy Schumer said she agreed to his request for the campaign, dubbed “Schumer and Schumer, Enough is Enough”, in the wake of the July 23 shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana, during a screening of her film “Trainwreck”. The plan would call for Congress continue funding programs that help people with mental health issues and drug abuse. The Senator said he’ll introduce a bill that would make it harder for violent criminals and the mentally ill to obtain guns. While her appearance kicks off the last week of Jon Stewart’s tenure – leaving Schumer as perhaps Comedy Central’s biggest star left – it is a very ideal platform for her to do more than just send Stewart off. This comes although Stewart did just tear apart Sen.

“Your movie … will now forever have this shooting attached to it. You’ve been caught in the middle of our country’s terrifying, unending war with itself, our sick and twisted relationship with the gun lobby, which tells us we need guns for anyone, anywhere, anytime”. The deaths of Jillian Johnson and Mayci Breaux at the hands of John Houser-“I’m not gonna even say his name” said Amy-made her both “devastated” and “angry”, and while she was unsure why Houser had decided to commit the shooting at her movie, she wasn’t going to stop with a statement. The Schumers are teaming up to try and enact gun control regulations.

“I don’t know why he chose my movie but it’s very personal to me”, Schumer said at a press conference in New York on Monday.

“Having people like Amy speaking out reaches people who I could never reach”, said Senator Schumer. “There is a way to stop them”. “I think the idea of women – women’s equality making anyone upset is not something I’ll ever understand. Our grandfathers were brothers”. “But I want to be proud of the way I’m living and what I stand for”. He said that when his nephew started college last fall, his roommates wanted to know if he was related to Amy.


“I’m pretty stubborn”, she said.

Meaningful gun control is possible Amy Schumer