
Anchor’s fervent rant against Pres. Obama goes viral | Press Party

Riiight, safe. In the most risky parts of the Middle East. This lady needs to watch more Live Leak than Fox News.


The 22-year-old’s lecture, which has already racked up more than 1.5 million views on YouTube, was inspired by Thursday’s gun rampage in Chattanooga.

“Now this won’t take long, but it’s important”, Lahren says in the beginning of the clip.

Following the news of the deadly shooting in Chattanooga, Tenn., Lahren used the “Final Thoughts” section of her show to unleash a passionate rant on the president’s fight against terrorism.

“Four United States Marines (and one sailor) are now dead”, Lahren said.

Lahren made it clear that despite reports that the 24-year-old alleged shooter was not particularly religious, she still considered him a Jihadist. Gay marriage? Nope. Oh, white racism?

Instead, the blonde TV news anchor focused her comments in the video on President Obama’s lack of reaction to the tragic and damaging incident in the first place.

She said “radical Islam is becoming the rule, not the exception”.

“Was he linked to ISIS or Al-Qaeda or Hamas or any of the other 15 plus offshoot terrorist groups”, she asked.

“Do I care that [gunman Mohammad Abdulazeez] seemed like an “All-American” young man?” Under the American leader, the county has become far too lax and too tolerant of extremists that practice Islam, she argues. Full force. Show them what a B1 Bomber looks like flying overhead.


Lahren added that she believes the US should ” put the fear of God in [the jihadists’] desert”. “Because clearly our lack of strategy isn’t working”, she ended. So she let him have it in an on-air rant guaranteed to make every American stand up and salute. While the channel’s mid-day news coverage is meant to stay unbiased, its pundit-based evening shows – like Lahren’s – are staunchly conservative.

Watch: News Anchor Gets Fed Up With Obama And Says What Everyone's Been