
Android Rolls Out Nougat

Currently, the Nougat OS update is rolling out to Nexus devices, including the Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, Nexus Player, Pixel C and Android One, according to PC Mag.


Google’s Android 7.0 Nougat is now being rolled out to selected devices, earlier than had been expected. With the new update, this feature will be activated when the screen is turned off.

Google states that there are over 250 major features in Android Nougat. As Nexus is from Google itself, the phones will get updates faster. As with all Google software, it is rolling out in batches, so your Nexus device may not get it right away. “That could well spill onto next year”.

After 5 months of rigorous testing, during which it has been available to the public and developers as a preview, Google has finally launched Android 7.0 Nougat – its next OS.

As soon as your device is part of the beta program, you will get an over the air update for the Nougat.

The company usually releases new versions of Android alongside the launch of new Nexus hardware, but it’s done things a little differently this year.

Nexus line of devices runs the Android operating system, with Google managing design, development, marketing and support of these devices. Also, there are rumors which stated that the Android N update will start its rollout from August 22 and the final build is here at last. But as it happens with any software coming from Google, not everyone gets it immediately. But don’t worry, because you likely won’t have to wait quite that long to get it on your Android smartphone. Android Nougat brings with a host of new features including new emojis, multi-window view, support for Daydream, Doze on the Go and more.


When Google releases a new version of Android, it must be approved, and, in some cases, modified by handset manufacturers and carriers before it arrives on your phone.

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