
Andy Burnham’s GQ interview comes back to haunt him

He was criticised by his rivals Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary, and Liz Kendall, who accused him of “clinging to the past”.


Mr Corbyn suggested that he wanted to “keep fossil fuels in the ground” as he unveiled his energy policy, as reported in the Telegraph.

“People said “why are you supporting Jeremy, he’s not even going to get on the ballot”.

Jeremy Corbyn attends a meeting in llandudno o0n Monday at the George Hotel during a visit to North Wales.

Halifax MP Holly Lynch said: “The Labour party needs to be an effective opposition more than ever – both in Westminster and in our streets – and I believe that suspending or delaying the leadership election would only undermine our ability to do that”. Life had moved on from the old Clause Four in 1994, let alone 2015. This offers Labour a radical vision for the 21st century and that is what the party is crying out for, we can’t carry on as we are.

Mr Campbell called for Labour supporters to back “anyone but Corbyn“, in a dramatic intervention that reflects growing alarm among senior party figures ahead of the leadership contest entering its final month tomorrow.

Mr Burnham appealed to Labour supporters not to take the party “backwards” as he launched a direct attack on Mr Corbyn’s economic plans, which include the possibility of the Bank of England effectively printing money to finance public investment.

“I’m interested in the idea that we have a more inclusive, clearer set of objectives”.

His remarks are likely to infuriate Mr Blair’s supporters in the party while once again highlighting the deep divisions that remain over the most controversial decision of his premiership.

One of Corbyn’s leadership rivals, Liz Kendall, condemned the idea as a “throwback to the past”.

But Clarke, who joined the Labour party in 1979 and stood as a parliamentary candidate in 1983, said that his concerns about Corbyn were “broader than just the relationship with business”. “She is best placed to unite the party and position Labour for victory in the 2020 election”.

“I want the railways back in public ownership”.

Six out of ten of Mr Corbyn’s supporters were newly registered voters – people who have signed up for a basic £3 Labour membership which allows them to take part in the leadership bid.

I sat down with him last week and they discussed how he first became active around Palestine, his views on the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, the right of return of Palestinian refugees and more.


In a few days time the Labour Party will start the process of electing its new leader following the resignation of Ed Milliband in the aftermath of Labour’s disastrous show in the 2015 General Election.

Angela Eagle says she has some radical ideas on how to reform the Commons if Labour is elected