
Angela Eagle criticises Jeremy Corbyn after cancelling surgeries

A confident Jeremy Corbyn launched his leadership re-election bid on Thursday, reminding fellow Labour MPs they have “the job, the duty, the responsibility” to stand by the party in the fight against the Tories.


This morning Conor McGinn, the Labour MP for St Helens, wrote about how Corbyn had said he would ring his father – a Sinn Féin councillor – after McGinn had urged him to broaden his appeal in an interview in May.

The former Labour leadership contender said she had been advised by police not to hold the public advice sessions in her Wallasey constituency.

In a statement, he says: “I outlined my views on a range of issues, including the need for Labour to re-engage with our working class base”.

He said he had not made the incident public until now ” because I find it shocking and embarrassing, and nearly unbelievable”.

Reynolds said he would support Owen Smith, Corbyn’s rival, as the Labour leader launched his campaign to be re-elected with a plea for MPs to “get behind the party”. Labour Party membership on the Island has increased four-fold in the past year; they see someone who genuinely cares about working people and their families, who genuinely believes that people are more important than profits.

Owen Smith, one of the so-called “unity” contenders trying to depose Corbyn, has declared that he wants to “re-write” Clause Four of the Labour Party Constitution.

The former Labour leadership contender claims she was advised by police not to hold public advice sessions in her constituency.

Mr Corbyn told Sky News that he was “very surprised and very disappointed” that Labour MPs should accuse him of bullying. That’s good, that means more and more people are involved in politics.

However, with campaign group Saving Labour amassing growing support, the race is now on between Corbyn and his left-wing and union fans and those – like many young supporters – who believe he failed Labour over Brexit.

Ms Rimmer told the Star she had voted against the vote of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn last month stating there was “no provision” for it in party rules. There has been intolerance in the Labour Party and abuse in the Labour Party that we have never seen before.

The party leader dismissed concerns about the prospect of re-selection hearings, insisting “it is not Armageddon ” and was simply the result of planned boundary changes as part of the Government’s efforts to cut the number of Commons seats from 650 to 600.

“For us to nearly lose Blaenau Gwent, for us to lose the Rhondda, these were hammer blows to the Labour Party and that’s something Jeremy Corbyn needed to respond to, but he’s been poor at taking Labour’s case to the Tories in Westminster and he’s not been successful in going beyond slogans”. She said: “It’s all very well to condemn it but there’s a permissive environment”. His intervention comes after Angela Eagle suspended surgeries in her constituency after consulting with police, following threats to her and her staff.


“Women in Labour have found themselves subject to terrible, very bad misogynistic abuse”.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn delivers a speech on Labour's anti Semitism inquiry findings at Savoy Place London. PRESS ASSOCIATION