
Angie Bowie responds to David Bowie’s death on England’s ‘Big Brother’ show

NEWS of music legend David Bowie’s death caused scenes of chaos and confusion in the Celebrity Big Brother house after Bowie’s ex-wife Angie, a contestant on the show, broke the news to her fellow housemates.


Angie Bowie says she hasn’t talked to her son in 28 years and is ” fine” about their estrangement. “I’m so very sad”.

“Stardust is gone”, she later added while being comforted by other contestants, referring to his 1972 album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust.

Angie was given the option to leave the show if she wanted, but she chose to stay on the show.

Meanwhile, Angie’s manager defended her when she was slammed for deciding to remain in the “Celebrity Big Brother” house after being informed of David’s death.

With the housemates unable to calm her down, Megan was eventually ushered to the diary room where she continued to aim her vitriol at Big Brother.

Angie said, “Are you insane?” The young woman reacted hysterically after mistakenly believing fellow housemate David Gest, who had been unwell, had died. She then erroneously claims that Angela specifically told her “David GEST” had died, when Angela never said a last name to specify.

Danniella Westbrook went to tell Bowie that USA producer Gest was actually asleep – and had not died of cancer – after which Bowie clarified: ” Not that David!

Pollard refused to apologise to an upset Bowie at first. Which some felt was bad enough, despite her decision to stay in the show.

“With his passing, I’m so very sad”, she said. She just told me that you were dead.

“F*** this. F*** this”, she shouted as Big Brother called her into the diary room urgently over her breakdown.

Angie and David were married for 10 years, divorcing in 1980.

He is survived by son Duncan Jones and a daughter Alexandria Jones and wife Iman.


A decision about whether Celebrity Big Brother will be investigated by Ofcom is expected in due course.

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