
Ankara warns Washington not to ‘Sacrifice’ alliance over Gülen

Turkey accuses Gulen of masterminding the coup attempt and wants him returned to Turkey to face trial. “Everything connected with this network should be closed”. The government must close everything and put it under a strong microscope.


US Secretary of State John Kerry, who could visit Turkey in late August according to Ankara, said just days after the coup attempt that Turkey must present “genuine evidence” and “not allegations” against Gulen for his extradition.

“The institutions connected with the network are (there) in Mumbai. We believe the Indian authorities already had that information”. Turkey will continue fighting whatever powers seek to undermine the government, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed Sunday as he addressed a massive flag-waving rally in Istanbul in the wake of the country’s abortive July 15 coup.

“Our communication with Maharashtra government is in parallel to what our Ambassador is doing in Delhi”, he said.

This isn’t a terror organisation in classical sense, he said. In Somalia, there was a hospital that we took over. I can not name individuals or institutions for legal reasons.

The Turkish government has accused Gulen of orchestrating July’s failed coup in the country and has made a formal request to the USA to extradite him.

“What clerics (in these institutions) provided was not positive message but a sinister message”.

Describing the foiling of the coup attempt by the people of Turkey was a victory of democracy and media, Ergen said,”There will be consequences for Fethullah terror organisation which has network in many countries including India”.

The official complaint against the Gulenist organisations in India is significant as it comes a week after Turkey’s Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, visited Pakistan and spoke in support of Pakistan’s position on Kashmir.


He admitted that there some Turkish people who are manning or are a part of such organisations. “We have intelligence that he could flee to a third country”.

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