
Ann Coulter: Dems will ‘steal’ close

A spokeswoman for Donald Trump said Saturday that the Republican presidential candidate had appeared to change his hardline views on immigration because he didn’t want to be like President Barack Obama. As it turns out, he committed it the same day the book was released. He added that the most important thing for Trump to accomplish is to “stop the lawlessness”.


Coulter has found herself in a bit of an awkward position this week, as Trump has considerably softened his immigration stance – the one thing she said could cause her to retract her support. His comments have made the rest of the week very awkward for her, forcing her to explain his apparent apostasy when she expected to be taking something close to a victory lap. and very publicly so. “I think he panicked and he had to say [it] …” But as he trails in the polls and struggles to overcome record lows with minority voters, he has sounded a softer tone.

But if a policy position is principled, it shouldn’t change.

Trump was set to deliver a major speech on illegal immigration this week, but his campaign chose to postpone the address as it continues to craft its policy and the language to deliver it. How exactly can people trust Trump on that when he is now flip-flopping on the signature plank of his campaign?…

Robin Hvidston with We the People Rising, a Claremont-based group against illegal immigration, is a Trump supporter who agrees with him on immigration. At the time, due to my longtime understanding that Coulter is 85 percent ratings-and-book-sales-related shtick and 15 percent the amalgamated ghosts of old cigarettes, I shrugged and rolled my eyes. Trump said according to a report from the Washington Post. “My book supports his ideas”.

Coulter’s problem is that on the very week she’s unveiled her immigration-themed defense of Trumpism, Trump himself has begun jettisoning it.

She opined that “Even Trump seems confused”. “And I think it will triumph in the end”. “The policy is anyone who’s here illegally is here illegally, does not have the right to be here”. Do we throw them out, or do we work with them?

But Trump’s morphing rhetoric has made it hard to make sense of his policies.

In an interview with NJ Advance Media on Thursday afternoon, Giuliani, a top adviser to the Republican presidential nominee, said Trump’s recent reversal on immigration policy came after his inner circle for several weeks suggested a more nuanced, practical and humane approach in dealing with the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants.

“There’s no path to legalization unless they leave the country”, Trump said.

“Donald Trump isn’t a politician – he’s a one-man wrecking ball against our dysfunctional and corrupt establishment”.

Lots of people – including lots of blacks and Latinos – are going to vote for Trump but will never tell their neighbors.


To Anthony Ocampo, an assistant professor of sociology at Cal Poly Pomona who focuses on immigration and race, Trump’s campaign shows that “racist beliefs are alive and well in American society”.

Trump's campaign spending at half the rate of Clinton's