
Anniversary for Hurricane Katrina reaches 10 years

And it doesn’t take much to get people weeping or boiling with rage about that other New Orleans, beyond the resurrected city center, where gunshots form the nighttime soundtrack. I saw a middle-age man weep as I’ve never seen anyone cry before, because he’d been unable to hold on to his wife when floodwaters swept through their home. We all hope we will be better prepared, and that the awful loss of lives in Katrina will not be repeated. And several observers have also congratulated New Orleans for the dramatic improvement its made since Katrina.


The National Flood Insurance Program paid out $16.3 billion in claims. There’s a new network of primary health clinics.

Katrina provided an opportunity for then Gov. Kathleen Blanco to radically reform the troubled public school system. Forbes magazine called the New Orleans comeback “the greatest turnaround of our lifetime”. As The Guardian noted, the lower Ninth Ward of the city became a symbol of the tragedy, with the catastrophic impact collapsing concrete floodwalls. Terminal. Death, two to five years. “They were shooting us out there”. I love Atlanta. “At that time, she felt like she’d let us down”, said Lee, who was 13 at the time.

Chantel Hodges Jones is originally from New Orleans East and has a good job at MD Anderson hospital in the Texas Medical Center. As it was, she said while the life and culture in Huntington – which has and overwhelming white population – was different to what they had known, they had been surprised by the warmth people had shown. And that’s how the jalapenos came into my world. Like this city’s levees in 2005 my invincible body has failed me.

Ten years after Hurricane Katrina, the coastal residents of Louisiana and Mississippi are still recovering from the deadly hurricane. More than 80 percent of these kids are poor, and their very fragile futures are at stake. They both have solid jobs.

Over the following weeks I bought pounds and pounds of jalapenos wherever I could find them and daily they were grilled in my backyard. He thinks property owners may be ready to have this conversation now. “But when you start peeling back that onion and getting to the heart of that challenge … you see that we have not done that well”.

-The Weather Channel will air “Katrina 2065“, a look at what would happen if the storm hit New Orleans in 50 years, at 7 p.m. Thursday, August 27. Houston took in the most. But he’s going to a place where poverty is still dominant among the majority black Orleans Parish. NPR’s John Burnett caught up with the mayor last night after an appearance in Houston.

William Buster, director of Mississippi and New Orleans programs for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, said some Katrina survivors are still have issues with their homes.


And again, New Orleans is just an example of this tragedy.

Some residents reported watching corpses float by as they waited to escape their flooded homes. Yet I remain profoundly thankful for it.

Barbour, though, seems intent on downplaying Mississippi’s post-Katrina media inferiority complex, saying other Americans eventually paid plenty of attention to the state. $13 billion went to claims in Louisiana. And Forbes magazine listed New Orleans as America’s No. 1 brain magnet. Aren’t they just a slice of the centuries old racism of our entire nation? “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job”, Bush told Brown during a tour of Louisiana.

LANDRIEU: What we want to be is the best version of our real selves because we are unique.

CHANTEL HODGES JONES: Well, I’m a cook, and I’ve introduced a lot of things to Houston. “I stayed on the sidewalk of the centre so I could be in the open”. Charter schools, which are publicly-funded private academies, are controversial.


LATRICE LOWERY: There’s no place like home, especially New Orleans. And no time at all.

An empty lot in downtown Gulfport.          Evelina Burnett