
Anonymous Declare War on Donald Trump After Announcing #OpTrump

This two picture combo of file photos shows Republican presidential candidate, Sen.


Carson told ABC News Friday he “no intention of running as an independent” but said he doesn’t “want to be a part of corruption”.

Forty-one per cent of Republicans polled said Trump’s remarks could hurt his chances of becoming president; that figure was higher among all respondents.

Members of Anonymous did not like this particular stance and Trump’s constant hate tirades directed at Muslims and made a decision to take action. But Bennett sees the discussions as paving the way toward stopping any candidate out of favor with establishment forces. “Donald Trump, think twice before you say anything”. For the first time, Cruz has taken the lead in Iowa in Real Clear Politics’s polling average in the state.

Trump, who is seeking the Republican nomination for the November 2016 presidential election, has been harshly criticized by world leaders and fellow Republicans for saying on Monday that Muslims, including would-be immigrants, students and tourists, should be blocked from entering the country.

On March 1, a dozen states will vote, offering 624 delegates.

The group has posted two videos on its YouTube page over the past two days warning Trump to expect them. “After people start winning, these things collapse fast”. Trump predicted Cruz would “fall like all others”.

Campaigns, like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s, that are putting all their resources into defying expectations in a single state could see those gains quickly erased if they don’t have an established presence in the flood of March states. Drawing a contrast with less well-resourced candidates, Cruz often told reporters that he did not view Iowa as a “must win”, stressing that he could run a nationally-focused campaign.

Cruz’s surge past Carson is a recent (read: post-Paris attacks) phenomenon.

Viguerie places the odds of a brokered convention at just 25 percent.

Carson has said he is not anxious about his position. Only 5 percent of voters think Carson is the best bet to tackle terrorism (compared to 35 percent for the guy with the best numbers in that regard: Trump).


In a statement, Carson expressed concern that party leaders would attempt to influence the nominating process. His leap forward comes largely at the expense of Carson, as Iowa’s evangelicals appear to have picked the candidate they want to get behind.

Trump: Israel visit postponed until he 'becomes US president'