
Anonymous hackers launch cyber attack on Bank of Greece … no money taken

According to the source, the attack lasted “several minutes” and targeted the bank’s security systems.


It is not the first time that Anonymous has targeted Greek financial institutions.

Other banks that are being targeted are located in the U.S., U.K., China, Iran and Pakistan.

The hacking group said that it plans on attacking a number of big banks around the continent. The statement reviving Operation Icarus in 2016 is nearly identical to the original Operation Icarus statement from 2011 with one major exception: the new video names the Bank of England as a specific target, along with the New York Stock Exchange. Back in October a year ago, the group launched Operation Black October, urging users to use Bitcoin and withdraw all the money from their bank accounts. “Within the global financial system, centered within the New York Stock Exchange, and Bank of England”.

Anonymous detailed its reasoning behind the campaign in a separate video released at the end of March.

A new video by the group – called Shut Down the Banks – has said it will begin a cyber attack campaign against major financial instituions including in China, America and Britain.

Hacktivists affiliated with Anonymous successfully took down the Greek Central Bank’s website.


Hackers disrupted service to the Greek central bank website Tuesday, a Bank of Greece official said, but the network restored order just moments after the security breach. “It is time to show the world the true power and the true face of the faceless”. Anonymous has previously been associated with various social and economic causes, including most recently the “total war” they declared on presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

Anonymous Attacks the Bank of Greece as it Begins a 30 Day Campaign against Worldwide Banks