
Anonymous Offers ‘Noob Guide’ To Hack ISIS

Anonymous had declared a campaign against the Islamic State group a long time ago but stepped up its effort following the attacks on the French capital last week. War is declared. Prepare yourselves.


The hacking collective vowed to “unite humanity”, warning the terrorist group to “expect massive cyber-attacks”.

Anonymous was established in 2003.

Anonymous’ first appearance was 2003 and they became widely known for a series of well-executed public attacks on corporations, religious and governmental bodies, said Sky News. Anonymous has ran operations like “Operation Safe Winter”, “Shooting of Michael Brown”, “Charlie Hebdo Shootings”, “Operation CyberPrivacy”, ‘#OpISIS’, ‘#OpParis’ etc. “You may not think that you are helping towards suppressing the actions of ISIS but you are effectively disrupting their communications and preventing them from planning more acts of terrorism towards the western world; thus saving countless lives”, Anonymous said.

The Islamic Cyber Army attempted to make a joke: “What they gonna hack…all they can do is hacking twitter accounts, emails, etc…” This is a reference to Daesh, an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group. The activist group claimed to have successfully shut down sites and 6,000 Twitter accounts associated with the Islamic State.

An English-language video released on Monday repeated the warning and announced the name Operation Paris, using the hashtag #OpParis across social media channels.

Now, Anonymous has released how-to guides for people wanting to take part in the new attack on ISIS, with how-to instructions on how to hack ISIS-affiliated web sites and social media accounts.


The video starts with a spokesman, all dressed in black and wearing Anonymous’ signature Guy Fawkes mask, delivering a statement. We are going to launch the biggest operation ever-mounted against you – get ready for a multitude of cyber attacks. They are using computer code rather than high-powered weapons and say the hacktivist group has built tools that “might be better than any world government’s tools to combat ISIS online”. Also, it is stated that ISIS have shared information on how to avoid being hacked. And “do not talk to people [you] don’t know on Telegram” or through Twitter direct messaging.
