
Anonymous says ISIS planning attacks in United States, Paris, elsewhere Sunday

Anonymous issued a statement Saturday in which it identified “confirmed” risks or possible risks at events in the U.S., Paris, Indonesia, Italy, and Lebanon.


“All proof was submitted to official authorities all around the globe days ago”.

Anonymous also said the Islamic State group is planning an assault at the WWE Survivor Series event scheduled to take place in the Philips Arena in Atlanta Sunday at 7.30 p.m., as well as attacks at multiple events in Paris. “They have it and it is their responsibility to do something with it. But because they have not done anything with it yet and it’s nearly the 22nd, we have matters into our own hands”.

According to Anonymous: “We only appeared now because our goal was to remain undercover and report everything to the right authorities and let them take all the action”.

Enraged by the attack, by Sunday, the hacker collective known as Anonymous announces it will start a war against ISIS terrorists, vowing to hunt down the social media accounts Daesh members used to coordinate attacks, promote Jihadism, or recruit new members.

“They selected a fight with Confidential when they struck Paris, as well as now they need to expect us”, he said, including that the cumulative “will not sit by and watch these terror strikes unfold around the world.”.

The group added that its intel team was able to verify the threats and target locations, and it warned against attending events with large crowds, especially church services in Paris.

Islamic State supporters have posted an Arabic-language social media guide on how to circumvent efforts by Anonymous, the hacktivist collective that took down many Twitter accounts of terrorists and those who fund them.


The director of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency, Jim Butterworth, also told the station that his agency “is working closely with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Georgia information sharing and analysis center and others in evaluating the threat on a Sunday WWE event in Atlanta reported by the group Anonymous”. OpParisIntel, a group within Anonymous, released a statement saying it had collected information about imminent attacks by the militant group – aka Daesh, ISIL and ISIS – in the French capital a little more than a week after a series of coordinated attacks there left 130 dead and hundreds injured. It added that it does not plan to released the proof publicly, because “everyone will start calling it fake because screenshots can be edited and accounts can be deleted”.
