
Anonymous sends warning to Donald Trump

For weeks, Donald Trump’s controversial comments on the 2016 campaign trail have helped late-night comedians bring “folks to hysterical laughter”, Hillary Clinton said on NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers.


Following Trump’s declaration to ban Muslim immigrants from entering the United States, CNN’s Chris Cuomo got heated during an interview and called the plan “stupid”. If there’s anything that might encourage an independent Trump bid-or make one more palatable to his ostensibly Republican supporters-it would be the idea that the party is conspiring against him, undermining its own part of the pledge and empowering him to abandon the party, full stop.

Information from Reuters and the Associated Press was used in this story.

Throughout the week, Clinton, who once attended Trump’s wedding because she said she thought it would be “entertaining”, has assailed Trump for his proposal. This time, it’s Ted Cruz.

While Trump faced a torrent of backlash from his fellow Republicans in the wake of his incendiary comments, it is not clear if there is a correlation between Cruz’s subsequent rise and Trump’s anti-Islam rhetoric.

“From the beginning of this campaign, we’ve talked about uniting courageous conservatives to reignite the promise of America and keep our nation safe”, said Bryan English, Iowa’s state director for the Cruz campaign.

Forty-one per cent of Republicans polled said Trump’s remarks could hurt his chances of becoming president; that figure was higher among all respondents.

Leaders in Britain, France, Israel and Canada denounced him, and the fallout hurt the real estate mogul’s global brand.

The Iowa Poll, taken December 7-10, included 400 likely Republican caucus participants. The retired neurosurgeon, now barely in third place, is supported by 13 percent, down from the first-place showing he posted in October, when he was at 28 percent. The poll had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 5 percentage points. In the past the group has hacked targets like North Korea’s social networking websites, and recently they even attempted to cripple ISIS by targeting social media accounts that supposedly belonged to the terrorist group. “Americans don’t seem to understand what danger is”.

Trump, however, has not wavered in his position that all Muslims should be temporarily barred from entering the United States.


Laura Ingraham: A Brokered Convention Is “A Declaration Of War Against The Republican Base Voters.” .

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