
Anonymous Wants To Take Down Donald Trump

The website for the 68-storey Trump Towers (, often used for his presidential campaign, was down on Friday after a tweet from an account associated with the anonymous hacking collective that said: “Trump Towers NY site taken down as statement against racism and you see is cloudflare offline backup)”. This policy is going to have a huge impact. “The more Muslims feel sad, the more ISIS feels they can recruit them”.


But other leaders, like House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has said Trump’s values don’t align with the Republican Party, may sway voters. “You have been warned”.

A number of media outlets are so upset by the GOP presidential candidate’s most recent controversial statement that they’re dumping objectivity in favor of openly criticizing him. The story said several Republican power brokers argued that if Trump storms through the primaries, the GOP establishment must lay groundwork for a convention-floor fight in which the party’s mainstream wing could rally around an alternative.

Trump’s proposal to keep Muslims out of the USA has been met with outrage from members of both parties.

Cruz’s campaign spokeswoman, Catherine Frazier, declined to comment on Trump’s attacks.

In fact following a speech in which Trump said he wanted to ban Muslims from entering the USA, people in the United Kingdom launched a petition that asked the government to ban Trump from entering their country.

In response to Carson’s threats, chief strategist for the Republican National Committee Sean Spicer told CNN on Friday, “I feel very confident he will stay in the party, as will Donald Trump, as will everyone else”.


Anonymous, a loose-knit global network of activist hackers, or “hacktivists”, is famous for launching cyber attacks on groups such as the Islamic State following the attacks in Paris last month that killed 129 people.

Politics       Hacker Group Anonymous Shuts Down Trump Tower Site                by Lauren C. Williams