
Another classic Star Wars character returning for Rogue One

Three weeks after eagle-eyed fans spotted what appeared to be Jimmy Smits in behind-the-scenes footage from “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” the actor has confirmed that, yes, he reprises his role as Bail Organa in the upcoming film. “Can you say the words ‘small part?'” I had occasion to re-watch the Star Wars prequels not too long ago (don’t ask), and while you can and should tear into Hayden Christensen’s performance as Anakin Skywalker or George Lucas’s reliance on digital backgrounds in almost every scene, the political manipulations by Senator Palpatine - and the attempts by Bail Organa to keep the Senate in check - stand out as some of the smarter parts of the movies.


While appearing as a guest on The Talk, Smits seemed bemused by the level of scrutiny that the sizzle reel had received, before admitting that he did make a cameo appearance in Rogue One.

Spoiler Warning for “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”.

It goes without saying that we’re going to see lots of ties between Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith, Star Wars: A New Hope and Rogue One when it comes out. He also bit the dust in “A New Hope” after the Death Star blows up the planet Alderaan.

That said, Bail’s return could set up an appearance by Princess Leia herself.

This is just another fantastic connection from the Prequels to the Original Trilogy, that Rogue One will be providing, thanks to the work of director Gareth Edwards and his team.


Rogue One will be released on December 16. Let us know in the comment section below!

Jimmy Smits Star Wars Episode Iii Revenge Of The Sith