
Ant-Man villain Corey Stoll reveals why he loves motion capture

Reed said he went into the film assuming he’d only get to make one movie, so he tried to make it a self-contained story that would appeal to all audiences.


He was the butt of jokes on “SNL” back in the ’70s: Befitting his puny stature in the superhero world, Ant-Man (played by Garrett Morris) was derided in a 1979 episode of “Saturday Night Live” after explaining his powers at a superhero party: “I shrink myself down to the size of an ant while retaining my full human strength”. Lilly plays a tough, hard-nosed character who works to eventually attempt to double-cross the bad guys. It’s worth noting that Michael Pena provides hilarious comic relief throughout as well, playing a fellow criminal type and friend of Lang. It remains unclear as to how Wasp will be included in the MCU, but this is very exciting.

When he breaks into the vault, he discovers the Ant-Man suit and finds out that the vault was a test. Now he must stop Cross from weaponizing the suit and, most importantly, become part of his daughters life. So, Lang is not only fighting to save the world, he’s fighting to save his relationship with his daughter. The film’s quick pace never allows you to think about what is going on for too long.

In a recent interview that aired on Entertainment Weekly Radio, Sirius XM 105, Reed begins with speaking on where his interest for the character came from. Pym hectors Lang to be the hero his daughter imagines him to be. This is a light, breezy comedy for huge swathes and you can see Wright’s influence on the film throughout.

Arguably “Ant-Man” having a successful box office opening may be even more important because it shows that “Guardians” wasn’t a fluke while also setting up the studio’s upcoming films (known as “Phase 3”) which includes some pretty obscure characters like Black Panther and Captain Marvel.

“I enjoyed the fact that when I was cast, people went, ‘huh, really?’ That you wouldn’t necessarily think that”, Rudd says.

While not as great as some of its predecessors, Ant-Man has its unique pleasures. Be sure to stick around for two scenes after the credits.

Ant-Man is an entertaining but largely forgettable romp set on the peripheries of the rapidly expanding Marvel universe. It is already public knowledge that Ant-Man will be present in the next Marvel film, “Captain America: Civil War” and eventually take his place among The Avengers, so I look forward to seeing more of Rudd and this character in the future.


However, numerous setbacks that included a director walking out halfway through filming meant that Ant-Man was going to be haunted by action behind-the-scenes, rather than that on it. But what is the finished product like? Running time is 1 hour and 55 minutes.

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