
Anti-Abortion Group Release 6th Planned Parenthood Video

After the U.S. Senate voted against a plan to stop Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funds, many lawmakers in Kentucky are now asking Governor Steve Beshear to terminate funding for Kentucky’s chapter.


“Unfortunately, I think Mr. Trump is taking the Democrat Party’s talking points on Planned Parenthood“, Fiorina said on CBS News. The Planned Parenthood official they secretly taped was Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.

Republicans around the country have targeted Planned Parenthood after several videos were released by the anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress.

Federal legislation needs form Medicaid packages to cover up family-planning solutions and provisions for you as you of…

Trump, who in years past had previously backed more abortion rights, remained steadfast on Tuesday that the “abortion aspect of Planned Parenthood should not – absolutely should not – be funded”. He also said that 17-week-old fetuses are human beings, saying, “How can you believe that that’s just an irrelevant mass of cells?” “And these mothers don’t know“.

The string of videos, which include undercover footage of Planned Parenthood clinics and executives, have unleashed a political controversy in Washington and in the 2016 presidential race. Now we find out that Planned Parenthood has been selling those babies’ body parts, organs, hearts, livers, etc.

“If abortion was a good thing, there wouldn’t be so much emotional damage from it”, she said. In Arizona, a state health official recently asked the state attorney general to require abortion clinics to report on how they handle fetal tissue, while in Wisconsin, lawmakers held an August. 12 hearing on a bill to ban the sale and use of fetal tissue in research in the state. The video is one in a series put out by a company called the Center for Medical Progress.

Anti-abortion activists said that a sixth video, released on Wednesday, shows Planned Parenthood doctors sell aborted fetal tissue to researchers without the mother’s permission.

A woman can’t get their birth control pills covered by insurance unless they have “women’s issues”, yet a man’s Viagra is covered. “I was more than sickened”, Carson says of watching the videos.


Donald Trump, who last week wanted to defund Planned Parenthood, now isn’t so sure.

Ernst will continue efforts to defund Planned Parenthood